Creative Business Start-Up ONLINE

You’re passionate about your creative practice, and you’re pretty sure that you’re good enough to turn it into money – but where to start? This funny, kind and super-practical ONLINE WORKSHOP will walk through the six steps that creative people need to get their fledgling freelance or business ideas off the ground.

The course focuses on:

  • Making sure you are ready to embark on business;
  • Creating goals and plans, the easy way;
  • Understating business structures, and why they matter;
  • Registering your business correctly;
  • An introduction to marketing, for your early days;
  • A day in the life of a creative entrepreneur.

What’s Included? This online course includes videos, workbooks, resources, lifetime access to a special Dropbox folder, and the opportunity to network and meet fellow participants online.

Who should enrol – Creative industries professionals and business people from start-up to established. Freelancers and soloists also welcome.



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