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ONLINE (National): Social Enterprise for Screen

May 16 @ 9:00 am August 7 @ 5:00 pm

A CREATIVE PLUS BUSINESS Program in partnership with the Screenrights Cultural Fund.

The first ever opportunity of its kind in Australia, Social Enterprise for Screen is a national masterclass program designed to empower under-represented filmmakers who want to use the power of screen to make the world a better place. Successful applicants will have their placement fully-subsidised, made possible by the Screenrights Cultural Fund.

Over this rigorous thirteen-week online program you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge required to build a sustainable screen organisation that can also contribute to positive social change, using the organisational model of social entrepreneurship.

Here’s what to expect if you join us for the program:

  • 12 x 2.5 hours online sessions full of collaborative tutorials, guest speakers, practical activities and presentations, resource sharing and networking activities.
  • 2 x 1-hour expert creative business mentor meetings.
  • Approx. 4 – 6 hours of guided activities between sessions.
  • Participation in our guided ‘Screen Buddy’ peer support program.
  • Develop your own Strategic Plan and Pitch Video.

The program has been created and tailored for participants who are from under-represented sectors of screen industry leadership, including First Nations filmmakers, People of Colour, culturally and linguistically diverse filmmakers, women and gender-fluid people, the LGBTQIA+ community, regional filmmakers, and people living with disability.

To get the most from this program you will have some experience in the screen industry preferably with some freelance work behind you, and the ambition to build a business that has a specific focus on creating work that supports positive social impact and disrupts the traditional models of film production. You might be a solo practitioner, a partnership, or part of a small team.

  • Social Enterprise Models: A comprehensive understanding of social enterprises and how you can use the model in screen production to support positive change both on- and off-screen.
  • Narrative Development: Learn how to develop new ideas for compelling narratives narratives that showcase social enterprise stories.
  • Understanding Impact: Social Enterprises need to measure their impact. You’ll learn how to measure and evaluate the social impact of your business and your filmmaking.
  • Your New Network: Throughout the program you’ll be building a network of like-minded individuals committed to social change through film. Your next collaborator could be in the room!
  • Empowered Filmmakers: You’ll be learning how to empower yourself and other under-represented filmmakers to use social enterprise modelling for collaboration, community-building and strategic disruption.
  • Project & Plan: By the end of the program, you’ll have completed a draft for your own social enterprise strategic plan, and a video pitch for your business. You’ll also get feedback from industry experts about your project and plan!

The program is delivered by Creative Plus Business, a national social enterprise dedicated to advancing the business skills and entrepreneurialism of creative practitioners.

It has been designed by the company’s Doyenne and founder, Monica Davidson, who brings over thirty years of screen industry and social enterprise experience to the project.

Participants will need to attend 13 x online sessions, along with some self-managed learning and mentoring sessions. Each online learning session in the program runs weekly on a Thursday evening from 6:00pm – 8:30pm.

Thursday 15 May – Thursday 7 August 2025

Applications open Wednesday 19 February 2025
Applications close Friday 4 April 2025

Suitable applicants will be selected via applications. You will be notified of the outcome of this EOI by the end of April 2025. You must be aged over 18 and be a resident of Australia in order to participate.

Accessibility: if you have any access requirements, please email fiona@creativeplusbusiness.com

The Screenrights Cultural Fund makes a difference by supporting people with exciting and innovative new initiatives that foster the creation and appreciation of screen content in Australia and New Zealand.