Our Marketing Series of workshops examine the basic beginners’ approach to marketing, through to a more in-depth exploration into key tactics and the vital elements of a successful marketing strategy.

As with all our workshops, each one can be delivered as a single 2-hour unit or combined with others to create a bespoke learning program for your participants. All workshops can be delivered in person or online. All workshops can be delivered in person or online.

Creative’s Guide to Marketing

This real-world workshop explores the mystery of marketing for creatives, with a focus on strategy and client/customer relations. It also examines some of the key elements necessary for a successful real-world and online marketing campaign.

The perfect starter workshop for anyone in creative industry that needs a practical and straightforward introduction to the basics of marketing.

This workshop is ideal for:

Creative beginners, hobbyists, freelancers, established practitioners.

Creative’s Guide to Social Media

This complex and challenging marketing tool is a must for creatives, but finding the balance between narcissism and neglect can be tricky. Social Media for Creatives covers the basics, including getting started, which platform to choose, posting the best content, and tricks to staying up-to-date.

This workshop is ideal for:

Creative freelancers, established practitioners, arts organisations.

Linkedin for Creatives

It may not seem so, but LinkedIn is a fantastic marketing tool for creatives – with a few creative hacks. This relaxed workshop is a hands-on approach to learning together and taking the time to make a great profile, understand media sharing, create a posting strategy – and finding ways to connect to potential clients and customers in the best way.

This workshop is ideal for:

Creative freelancers, established practitioners, arts organisations.

Creative’s Guide to Branding

Branding is vital for creative professionals and arts organisations, but often so hard to get right. In this practical and entertaining workshop, participants will come to understand branding as the realisation of a ‘personality’, with fun exercises to start perfecting a personal and professional brand.

This workshop is ideal for:

Creative freelancers, established practitioners, arts organisations.

Creative’s Guide to Websites

A website is so much more than a passive online portfolio display. It can be a centralised place to showcase services, a marketing tool to share stories, and an educational platform to help clients understand your craft.

This practical workshop examines the best ways for creatives to present their websites, with real-life examples of best practice, and helpful resources for DIY design.

This workshop is ideal for:

Creative freelancers, established practitioners, arts organisations.

I Hate Networking!

Most people hate networking – and most people don’t know how to make the most of this amazing marketing opportunity. I Hate Networking! is a surprisingly fun event that combines the learning opportunity of a workshop with the real-world practical application of a networking event. It’s designed to encourage creative people to get to know each other, while also acknowledging the horror that is networking, and sharing a few tips at the same time (possibly with wine).

This workshop is ideal for:

Creative freelancers, established practitioners, arts organisations.

Marketing for Museums

Marketing is not always high on the list of priorities for small and volunteer-run museums and art galleries, but attracting visitors can be difficult without some kind of promotional strategy. Marketing for Museums is a specialised workshop designed to help people from cultural institutions to understand and implement the strategy behind finding and attracting visitors, building relationships with stakeholders, and finding the best promotional tactics. The workshop has been created with a realistic understanding of the challenges that come with having a volunteer team, a shortage of time, and resources that are already stretched.

This workshop is ideal for:

This workshop is ideal for small and volunteer-run museums and art galleries.