
Tough Times Tips

Tough Times Tips

by Monica Davidson Times are tough. Are you OK? The current economic climate in Australia is challenging for creatives, even if we don’t have mortgages or are lucky enough to not have big grocery...

The Saboteur Within

The Saboteur Within

By Monica Davidson We all do it. I did it last week. I’ll probably do it again before the week is over. On Monday I didn’t send an email I was supposed to send, even though it could have led to...

The Value of  Values

The Value of Values

by Monica Davidson Running a creative business, whether you’re an early stage freelancer or a more experienced arts company, means exploring amazing and diverse options both within and without. Your...

Over The Rainbow

Over The Rainbow

By Robbi James Why Pride Month Matters, and what you can do this time of year to show your colours. It will surprise no one that Creative Plus Business is a loudly proud workplace (and community)....

Creating Care-Fully

Creating Care-Fully

By Charley Allanah Artists often talk about our work as a social service; a public good; with value beyond dollars. But are we genuinely making art in a way that merits such a claim? Work grounded...

Athlete Thinking

Athlete Thinking

By Monica Davidson A few months back I was watching the news, and towards the end of the broadcast there was a significant amount of attention paid to some young man’s leg. Apparently, he had...

The Art of No

The Art of No

By Lillie Brown Does saying “yes” rule your life? If it does, you’re not alone—social psychologist Dr. Vanessa K. Bohns wrote in a 2016 research piece “many people agree to things—even things they...

The Habits of Gratitude

The Habits of Gratitude

By Monica Davidson “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris bueller I have had what could empirically be called a ‘shit year’. The...

Find Your Why

Find Your Why

By Monica Davidson “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”Mark twain Sadly, there’s no substantive support linking Mark Twain to this...



By Monica Davidson "I have written 11 books but each time I think ‘Uh-oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out." Maya Angelou In 1978,...

Backwards Into The Future

Backwards Into The Future

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua‘I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past’ By Monica Davidson I fell in love with this Māori whakataukī (or proverb) when I first heard it at...

How to Keep Burnout at Bay

How to Keep Burnout at Bay

By Lillie Brown Let me begin with this: burnout is never your fault. It is the product of a frenetic, hyper-capitalist, optimisation-obsessed society that assigns value based on your output,...

The Power of Rest

The Power of Rest

By Lillie Brown In a world where being busy is worn as a badge of honour, where needing extra hours in the day and being powered by caffeine is part of the ‘norm’, choosing rest is a radical act....

Must The Show Go On?

Must The Show Go On?

When my daughter Grace was about eleven she was part of her school’s dance troupe and was performing in a local festival. She had complained of feeling ill that day but insisted on going to the...

Embracing Creative Isolation

Embracing Creative Isolation

  Our wonderful advisor Robyn Saurine a visual artist, yogi and self-confessed empath. Here she talks candidly about the struggles of the creative cycle, working in isolation, and how to not...

Quitting Time

Quitting Time

It’s December, a time to look back over the achievements and mistakes of the last twelve months, and vow to make it all different or better or less sucky next year. It’s a time to reflect on the...