Package Pricing Pointers

Package Pricing Pointers

By Monica Davidson Creative businesses are often very resistant to setting a fixed price for their services. Goods and products? Sure. It would be weird to put your jewellery or garments on Etsy without attaching a price—but for services, it just seems wrong. It’s a...
Unicorns vs Workhorses

Unicorns vs Workhorses

By Monica Davidson I invented the ‘Unicorns and Workhorses’ analogy many years ago now, as shorthand for one of my clients who was struggling with trying to work out the balance between her creative work that paid money, and the artistic work that she valued for more...


By Monica Davidson “I have written 11 books but each time I think ‘Uh-oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.” Maya Angelou In 1978,  psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes wrote for...
You, The Expert

You, The Expert

By Monica Davidson Smart creative people have lots of options when it comes to marketing themselves and finding ways of making money, but using expert strategy is a neat way of combining both. Becoming the go-to person about a specific topic or a niche area of your...